Section outline

    • Opened: Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 12:00 AM
      Due: Wednesday, 3 January 2024, 11:59 PM

      Acting as a management consultant, you will undertake an International Entrepreneurship audit of a current international business development initiative in a “client” company of your choice, relying on a handful of interviews with the client and secondary sources. You must identify a client (e.g., a manager responsible for an export business unit) and, with this client, define the opportunity in the company that the Export business initiative is addressing (e.g., possible growth in a new market, new product introductions, response to customer orders, etc…); the implementation plan for the new export business initiative, the challenges encountered thus far by the initiative, and the measures taken to address the problems. In addition, you should also consider what future challenges the new Export business is likely to encounter. Having defined these points, you should then conduct a critical analysis of the implementation of the export business initiative to date and present a set of recommendations (both what to do and how to proceed). In summary, your final report must answer the following questions:

      1. What was the export business opportunity and the new export business implemented to exploit the opportunity?
      2. What are the challenges the export business encountered and what measures were taken by management to address the challenges?
      3. Will these measures be effective in addressing the challenges?
      4. How do you recommend the company proceed?
      5. And what lessons can you take away from your analysis that could be applied to other export business initiatives?
      6. In addition, each project must include a methods section describing how you generated your data, who you interviewed, as well as any other sources used.

      Your document should be no longer than eight (8) well-written, single-spaced pages, excluding attachments, survey results, table of contents and a cover page. It should also include the company’s:

      1. Brief history, industry & markets served
      2. Vision & mission statements
      3. Organizational chart