- Examiner: Tonny Kiggundu
- Examiner: Mahadih Kyambade
- Lecturer: Zaid Mpaata
- Lecturer: Mrs. Kagere Rehema
- Lecturer: Luke Sewante
- Examiner: Nyero Abdallah
- Examiner: Dr. John Paul Kasse
- Examiner: Eng. Charles kalvin Kikwanga
- Examiner: Assoc. Prof. Robert Kyeyune (PhD)
- Examiner: Samuel Ssendi
- Examiner: Abdul Ssentumbwe Male
- Examiner: Slylvia Aarakit
- Examiner: Assoc. Prof.. Ernest Abaho
- Examiner: Dr. George Batte
- Examiner: Christopher Kusemererwa
- Lecturer: Fiona Apofia Aikiriza
- Lecturer: Janida Nakaziba
- Lecturer: Rashid Ssali
- Lecturer: Abdu Salim Rais
- Examiner: Assoc. Prof.. Milburga Atcero PhD
- Examiner: Assoc. Prof. Samuel Dawa
- Examiner: Isaac Enyalu Okalany
- Examiner: Isaac Enyalu Okalany
- Lecturer: Elizabeth Asianzu Ezati
- Lecturer: D.B. Begumisa
- Lecturer: Bernard Engotoit
This course will test your application of Research Methods that you did in the last semester. You will be required to upload your proposal for a project you are doing in groups of 5. Thereafter you will be expected to upload your report as well. The datelines have been communicated and must be adhered to.
This course will be evaluated out of 100%; evaluation is done during presentation. All members of the group must be present for the presentation and marks allocation will be according to individual participation. In case a group doesn't present their project, they shall be required to wait till next offered (next academic year) like is the case with missing an examination. You are therefore cautioned not to miss presentation.
In case of queries, please feel free to contact Dr. Samali V. Mlay (smlay@mubs.ac.ug) or Mr. Ismael Kato (ikato@mubs.ac.ug)
Have a good semester.
- Examiner: Ismael Kato
- Examiner: Assoc. Prof. Robert Kyeyune (PhD)
- Examiner: Basulira Gonzaga
- Examiner: Florence Nakajubi
- Lecturer: Prof. Vincent Bagire (PhD)
- Lecturer: Hakim Buyondo
- Lecturer: Mahmood Jaaza
- Lecturer: Dr. Nangoli Sudi
- Lecturer: Lugema Joseph
Below are final results for Bachelor Of Office and Information Management
year 3 for Academic Year 2018 / 2019 Semester 2
- Lecturer: Timothy Kimera
- Lecturer: Chris Roddy Muhango
- Lecturer: Kassim Ssenyange
- Lecturer: Kiirya Jonan
- Lecturer: Lucy Lakot
- Lecturer: Duncan Mugumya
- Lecturer: Aida Nicola Muwanga
- Examiner: Assoc. Prof. Robert Kyeyune (PhD)
- Examiner: Edward Miiro
- Examiner: Bashir Mutebi
- Examiner: Benedict Ogot
- Examiner: Samuel Ssendi
- Examiner: Aisha Namome Watsemba
- Examiner: Elizabeth Asianzu Ezati
- Examiner: Bernard Engotoit
- Examiner: Philip Kato Khatiya
- Examiner: Assoc. Prof. Robert Kyeyune (PhD)
Scientific Research attempts to get the truth of particular problems through systematic and rational methods. Business research employs scientific analysis to aid in wise decision making. This course addresses how research skills apply to the social sciences and business. The course is to cover both qualitative and quantitative methods of research.
- Examiner: Ismael Kato
- Examiner: Dr. Samali V. Mlay
- Examiner: Samuel Ssendi